St. Vincent's Villa
Formerly known as St. Vincent's Center - St. Vincent's Villa provides an intensive residential diagnostic and stabilization program at its Pot Spring campus. Through this program, children with significant behavioral and emotional needs receive a comprehensive evaluation, in partnership with the family, to determine a course of treatment to address the child's needs. This may include placement with the family with a plan for out-patient services, referral for therapeutic foster care or group home, or referral for more intensive residential treatment. Services in both residential programs include:
Full family participation is vital in both programs. Both of these programs admit boys and girls, ages 5-13, and serve children from all over the State.
On-site special education schools
Behavioral support and management
Parent education
Family support groups
Family resources
Spiritual and moral development
Volunteer services including a mentoring program
Individual, family and group therapy
Case management
Psychological testing
Psychiatric evaluation and treatment
Medication management
On-site nursing and routine health care
Therapeutic recreation programming