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Linda Snapp Memorial Scholarship

Linda Snapp became a member of the Phi Chi Chapter of the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority in December of 1984, after pledging with the Delta pledge class. The semester after Linda’s initiation, she was diagnosed with rabdomyocarcinoma, a rare muscular cancer that soon metastasized to her bone marrow.  In October of 1985, she went into remission, enabling her to return to her studies.  She had completed all the requirements for her nursing degree with the exception of her clinical placement, which she was physically unable to tolerate.  Linda’s remission ended in June 1986 and she died on July 24, 1986.


This scholarship was established by the Phi Chi Alumnae Association to keep the memory and courageous spirit of Linda Snapp alive in all of us.

The Phi Chi Alumnae Association awards a $500 scholarship in memory of Linda to an active undergraduate sister of the Phi Chi Chapter of the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority.

 Previous Winners 


Colette Echeverria


Carla Stenger


Carla Stenger


Wendy Martini


Jennifer Neth


Nadine Block


Pam Schofield


Laurie Grant


Jill Welsch


Amanda Heinz


Stephanie Buckley


Kristen Kogok


Diane Tsai


Kristin Kogok


Cara Davitt


Heidi Raftner


Michelle Ko


Sandy Davis


Haley Boyd


Katelyn Jacobson


Amy Kaper


Annam Abassi


Lesley Kroll


Ana Shultz


Shruti Gujaran


Nidhi Dheman


Fabiha Mahmood


Natalie Johnson


Lorin Loftus

 Linda Mae Snapp 

Linda Mae Snapp was from Damascus, MD and transferred from Shepard College. Linda was a determined, young woman striving to become a nurse. When she found a bruise on her wrist, she first thought it was from an accidental bump or fall. However, when it did not seem to go away, she sought medical attention. She soon discovered that the pigment was an indication of muscular cancer, but this did not stop her from pursuing her dreams. Despite her diagnosis, Linda was dedicated to receiving good grades, reaching her goals, and focusing on academics.

She believed she could so she did.

To this day, the Phi Chi chapter is honored to have had Linda as our beloved sister, for she has left us with an encouraging message: anything is possible. We are constantly inspired by her devotion and hard work. We are always reminded to stay strong and motivated, no matter how difficult things may be. The lasting impression of Linda Mae Snapp will forever be remembered and remain in our hearts.

This picture features Teresa (Boyd) Doggett (left) and Linda (right). The two graduated together from high school in 1981.

 In Loving Memory of Linda Mae Snapp 

Below is an account from one of our sisters, Susan (Aaron) Ostrinsky.

My name is Susan (Aaron) Ostrinsky and I pledge as a Beta in the Fall of 1983. I met Linda in the Fall of 1984 when she pledged as part of the Delta pledge class. I had pledged just one year before many of the Alphas were still in school and it was a very cool time. I didn’t know her as closely as some of the other sisters did – but I remember she was a beautiful girl with gorgeous friendly eyes. And a lot of fun at parties. I remember that pledge class being a lot of fun. I remember parties in Shook’s basement in Arbutus when Greeks used to be able to sponsor them. Fuzzy memories but memories nonetheless.

I remember being afraid to go visit Linda in the hospital. Not because I didn’t want to - but because stepping foot inside another hospital made me sick to my stomach. But I had to go and show Linda my support and I was glad I did.

She made it so easy. I remember her sitting in bed with very large 80’s glasses on her small face and a baseball cap. She was queen of the room – cracking jokes and yes, talking about the cuties at the hospital.


I think I got to know Linda the best when she came back to school. I used to cut through buildings and take the elevators to get to the Fine Arts building and I’d run into Linda and her mom – her constant companion. Linda was thin and frail and had no hair – but here she was – going to class in her jeans jacket and baseball cap. We’d chat for a few minutes and I’d tell her to have a good day. The memory that sticks out in my head the most was one day when I came upon her sitting all alone. She was very upset and crying. I asked her what was wrong, expecting her to say something about how hard everything was – but not Linda - she was upset because she had gotten a bad grade on a test. I remember sitting down and putting my arm around her and just holding her. She put her head on my shoulder and kept crying. I think I said something silly like, "but you’re here and you’re going to class – that’s more important" but I don’t think she bought it. Linda wanted to graduate with good grades.


Like other sisters have said, I remember being at the funeral and I remember that EVERYONE was there. It was heartbreaking but I think us being there helped her mother and her family. And it helped us because we had each other to lean on, to cry on. My DPhiE sisters are my most cherished friends…23 years and counting. Thank g-d for e-mail because we don’t see each other all the time, we don’t talk to each other all the time – but the feelings, and memories are there ALL THE TIME for me. I cherish the moments when the stars line up and we can actually get together in person. Linda was a part of that – although for much too short a time. So, even though I was not the closest to her – I have never forgotten her and the heart-print she left in my life. That’s why I feel it’s so important to keep the scholarship going as a tribute to her determination, courage, and grace.

If you would like to donate to the Linda Snapp Scholarship Foundation Fund...

  1. You can send a check made payable to the UMBC Foundation with the Phi Chi Alumni Scholarship in the memo line. Send to UMBC Foundation, 8th Floor Administration Building, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250

2. Give online at and designate the gift to Phi Chi Alumni Scholarship.

Thank you!

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